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Hodgkin Lymphoma and Cannabis Oil

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Hodgkin Lymphoma is a cancer that affects the lymph system. The Lymph system is part of the immune system and helps fight certain diseases. Because the lymph system spans the whole body any part can become infected with cancer. The most common type is cancer in the lymphnodes in the upper body.

Research and Testimonials of how Cannabis Oil can be used to help treat Hodgkin Lymphoma

Joanne Crowther's Story

(Information from Click here for full Article)
Joanne has been plagued with cancer since 2009. From Brain Cancer to Lymphoma, to having a mass in her thigh. Every time the doctors found cancer, she would go for chemo or radiation. Eventually she didn't have the strength to do anymore of the traditional medicines and was forced to try other methods. She started taking Cannabis Oil, more specifically, Rick Simpson Oil. Within two weeks she started feeling better.

On the 30th of July 2012 she went for an examination where her doctors reported that she had been doing well since of the chemo and that the mass in her leg "regressed spontaneously". Joanne later took an exam on the 24th September 2012. The results stated that she is now in remission. See her video and the article for more info.

Joe Crowe's Story

(Information from Click here for full Article)
Joe Crowe was fighting Hodgkins Lymphoma for 11 years when he started taking a very highly concentrated cannabis oil. A cannabis caregiver helped him grow his own cannabis and make his own oil. The oil was strong for him at first. Not long after, the tumor on his chest started to shrink. He later went for a CAT scan and he was informed that he was cancer free.

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