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Can Marijuana Cure Crohn's Disease?

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Crohn's Disease causes inflammation in the lining of the digestive system. It often spreads into the layers of affected tissue.


  • fatigue
  • Malnutrition
  • Weight loss
  • Abdominal pain
  • Severe diarrhea

If you are experiencing this symptoms please contact a medical professional for a proper diagnosis. Also, ask your doctor about Cannabis oil as a treatment.

Research and Testimonials of how Cannabis Oil can be used to help treat Crohn's Disease

Beating Crohn's Disease with Cannabis

(Information from Click here for full Article)
In 2007, after 11 months of stomach pain, Fatin Pheonix Ward found out she had Crohn's Disease. She was on many prescription medicines to treat the disease. Instead of getting better she got worse. She eventually found that Cannabis Oil could assist with treating her Crohn's Disease. 3 days after taking her first dose she was pain free. Six months later she is completely healed.

Cannabis Infused Muffin relieves the Pain of Crohn's Sufferer

(Information from Click here for full Article)
The article is of Crohn's Sufferer constantly in pain. Eventually this person ate a Cannabis infused Muffin which relieved the pain caused by the disease. A noteworthy fact is that smoking the marijuana did not help but ingesting a cannabis base edible did help.

Do you have a testimony? Did Cannabis heal your Crohn's Disease? Tell us in the comments below.

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